Taking a Moment in Time...
We all get so busy with the things that NEED to be done. Everyday just passes in a blur of tasks that had to be done. I decided that as time was flying by, I needed to pause and take a moment in each day to enjoy the things that make me smile, the things I do not want to forget. A smile on the faces of my children, a bad joke from my husband...saved all day to share with me in the evening, nature's beauty, handmade creations, fresh baked bread and a chance to knit. Just a moment in the midst of all the busy...to pause, to look, to listen and appreciate my life.
These are my moments... thank you for stopping by. I would love to see your moments too, so please share on Instagram using #takingamomentintime. There are no rules, just that you post on a Monday some happy 'moment' from your week.